
I’m Chris, a senior technical writer, and this is my personal and professional blog. It’s a new project, which I created in January 2023 after being made redundant for the first time in my twenty-year-long career.

I have a high degree of technical and domain-specific knowledge, producing docs as code using Markdown and Asciidoc long before it was common practice.

From the UK originally, I grew up and was educated in Australia. An avid traveller in my 20s, I lived and worked in Bristol, England but returned to Australia to settle down. Today, I live in Melbourne with my wife and three children.

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I’m more active online under my nom de plume Chris Rosser, under which I write and serialise fantasy stories to a membership of 350 readers. I have published two novellas and am currently drafting my my first full-length novel.

In addition to my author website, you can also find some of my writing on Medium where I blog about topics that tickle my creative and technical interests.

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Written in markdown, hosted on GitHub, built with Hugo and published to Netlify.