
Included in this portfolio is a broad collection of samples with a description of why and how they were created. They are listed by company. I have also linked to a selection of informal blog posts of a technical nature.

This page is work-in-progress and subject to change.

Specialized Bicycle Components Link to heading

WeChat Authentication Guide Link to heading

A guide on how to authenticate with Specialized’s Identity Service using WeChat. To write this guide, I worked closely with the java developer responsible for creating the workflow, as well as assisting with testing using Postman and WeChat on Android. This guide was included as part of a catalogue of recipes contained within an MkDocs project and deployed to the Specialized Admin Portal.

Markdown MkDocs WeChat Authentication

Login API Endpoint Documentation Link to heading

A detailed guide to using the login API endpoint for Specialized’s Identity Service. Originally included in a page documenting all authenticated-related endpoints in the Identity Service. The source was written as a standalone, re-usable document that could be called using a Jinja2 include directive. This document was of an MkDocs project and deployed to the Specialized Admin Portal. All endpoint documentation in the suite followed this pattern.

Note: this document has been altered from the original format (MkDocs Python-flavoured Markdown) for compatibility with Hugo. Sections have been converted from tabs to headings.

Markdown MkDocs API Authentication REST cURL JSON

Other work (available on request) Link to heading

  • How to integrate Zone5Cloud with Pipedream.io and Shopify
  • How to build an athlete leaderboard
  • Coding:
    • OpenAPI JSON to MkDocs-compatible markdown convert using Python.
    • Zone5Cloud integration module created as a starter project for Purple Patch Fitness using Python.
    • Serverless e-commerce store created for coach and YouTuber Dylan Johnson

Equifax Australia Link to heading

User guide: Managing HEM in DecisionPoint 3 Link to heading

A user guide demonstrating how to convert and upload Household Expenditure Measure (HEM) data into DecisionPoint 3. By following this guide, clients were to manage their quarterly HEM updates and use the data in their credit application solutions without relying on Equifax’s delivery team.

The document was produced using Asciidoctor and managed as part of a single Git repository containing over a hundred and fifty documents and thousands of re-usable document fragments. From the asciidoc source, the manual was published to HTML and PDF formats.

As with all documents in this suite, the HEM guide was assembled from multiple fragments and includes conditional logic which enabled the production of multiple versions containing client- and release-specific content. To build these versions, I created a Ruby script that automatically generated each version as HTML then converted the resulting files to PDF using PrinceXML.

Asciidoctor User Guide PrinceXML

Writing/Recruitment tests Link to heading

Writing exercises undertaken as part of job applications.

Swagger Pet Store API Link to heading

Brief: The task was to create a tutorial that explains how to:

The complete exercise is available on my GitHub account.

Markdown JavaScript API Documentation

Blog posts Link to heading

I regularly publish technical articles on Medium and this site. While informal in tone (and not rigorously edited or proof-read), they demonstrate my writing across a variety of topics and interests.